
Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry is an advanced dental technique that utilizes laser technology for various dental procedures. It involves the use of a focused light beam to perform precise and minimally invasive treatments. Laser Dentistry can be applied to a wide range of procedures, including gum disease treatment, cavity detection, tooth whitening, gum reshaping, and even oral surgery.

The use of lasers in dental procedures often results in reduced pain and discomfort compared to traditional methods. It minimizes the need for anesthesia and sutures, leading to quicker recovery times. Laser Dentistry is also known for its precision, allowing dentists to specifically target affected areas while preserving healthy tissue. Additionally, lasers can help control bleeding and sterilize the treatment area, reducing the risk of infection. Laser Dentistry offers patients a more comfortable and efficient dental experience.

Laser Dentistry

Bone Graft & Gum Graft

Bone graft and gum graft are dental procedures used to restore and enhance the health and structure of the bone and gum tissues.

Bone graft involves the placement of grafting material, such as synthetic bone or bone from another source, into areas with insufficient bone volume. This stimulates new bone growth and helps create a solid foundation for dental implants or preserve the existing bone structure.

Gum graft, also known as gingival graft, is performed to restore or augment the gum tissue. It involves taking gum tissue from another area of the mouth or using synthetic graft material and placing it in areas where the gums have receded or thinned. This helps protect the tooth roots, reduce sensitivity, and enhance the aesthetics of the smile.

Both procedures typically involve local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort. They promote the regeneration and stability of bone and gum tissues, supporting overall oral health and providing a foundation for various dental treatments.